Declaration of
the Human Rights
of Hana Financial

Hana Financial Group makes its best efforts to faithfully fulfill its corporate social responsibilities and pursue healthy, mutual growth with all its stakeholders, in accordance with its mission statement “Growing Together, Sharing Happiness.” Hana Financial Group’s mission statement serves as a foundation for “Code One” (the Group’s code of ethics), which presents the company’s ethics-based standard of decision-making and code of conduct and lays the groundwork for the company’s effort to prioritize human rights in its business activities. In addition, Hana Financial Group supports the principles of human rights proposed by the UN in its Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Going forward, the Group will continue striving to protect the human rights of all its stakeholders and prevent human rights infringements, as outlined below.

Principle of Human Rights Management
  • We strive to prevent potential human rights violations by identifying human rights-related risks and effects through the human rights due diligence process.
  • ▶ Human Rights Due Diligence Process
  • Identifying human rights areas → Conducting human rights due diligence → Implementing mitigation measures → Reporting results
  • We work to devise fair and prompt remedies in the event of human rights violations.
Human rights of employees
  • We respect diversity and prohibit any form of discrimination on the basis of gender, school affiliation, disability, religion,
    race, or place of origin, etc.
  • We evaluate and compensate employees based on fair standards and provide them with appropriate opportunities for
    self-development to improve their performance.
  • We establish and maintain safe and clean work environments to protect and promote the health of our employees.
  • We consistently improve working conditions to ensure that our employees are able to achieve work-life balance and
    maximize their individual capacities.
  • We do not tolerate the use of forced labor and prohibit child labor.
  • We respect the right of our employees to unionize freely and work to improve cooperation between labor and management.
Human rights of customers
  • We protect the human rights of financially underprivileged groups, such as seniors and people with disabilities, by
    increasing their accessibility to financial services.
  • We do not provide financial services that discriminate against customers on the basis of gender, age, or religion, etc.
  • We collect only the minimum amount of personal information necessary to provide our customers with financial services
    and manage their personal information in a safe and secure manner.
  • We strive to develop and provide products and services of the highest quality in order to satisfy our customers’ needs and
    earn their trust.
Human rights of shareholders
and investors
  • We provide necessary information for our shareholders and investors in a timely, accurate, and fair manner and in
    accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
  • By disclosing accurate accounting data, we maintain the transparency of management and earn the trust of our
    shareholders and investors.
  • We help raise the value of our shareholders and investors by practicing reasonable decision-making and conducting our
    management activities transparently.
Human rights of
partner companies
  • We pursue mutual growth and co-existence with our partner companies by ensuring that all our transactions with them
    are fair and transparent.
  • We do not use our superior status to force our partner companies to make unfair or fraudulent transactions.
  • We communicate with our partner companies about ethical, human rights-based management and support them in
    adopting such practices.
Human rights of local communities
  • We take careful measures to ensure that we do not infringe upon the human rights of members of local communities in
    the process of conducting our business activities.
  • We actively engage in social contribution activities including the support for underprivileged groups in local communities.
  • We seek to increase social transparency and security by preventing financial crimes, such as illegal money laundering,
    terrorism financing, etc.
  • We consider the environmental and social issues of local communities when making decisions about large-scale loans and investments.

Framework of the Declaration of Human Rights

  • Mission Provide justification for
    the company’s existence and
    ultimate goals as the core
    philosophy of Hana
    Financial Group

    Propose the statement of the
    Group as an indication of its commitment
    to ethical, human rights-based

  • Code of Ethics Presents the principle of
    decision-making and code of
    conduct by which the Group
    strives to realize its mission

    Code One proposes the standard
    by which the Group pursues its
    mission of ethical, human rights-
    based management

  • International Human
    Rights Standard
    Supports and ensures compliance
    with the international human
    rights standard(universal
    Declaration of human Rights and
    Guiding Principles on Business
    and Human Rights)

    Declares the Group’s commitment
    to protecting and respecting the
    human rights of all its stakeholders

Hana Financial Group makes its best efforts to faithfully fulfill its corporate social responsibilities and pursue healthy,
mutual growth with all its stakeholders, in accordance with its mission statement ‘Growing Together, Sharing Happiness.’
Hana Financial Group’s mission statement serves as a foundation for ‘Code One(the Group’s code of ethics)’ which
presents the company’s ethics-based standard of decision-making and code of conduct and lays the groundwork for the
company’s effort to prioritize human rights in its business activities. In addition, Hana Financial Group supports the
principles of human rights proposed by the UN in its Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Guiding Principles on
Business and Human Rights.
Going forward, the Group will continue striving to protect the human rights of all its
stakeholders and prevent human rights infringements, as outlined below.

Classification of stakeholders and relevant human rights issues<0/h4>
Ban on discrimination(Article 2 of Code One)
Fair evaluation and compensation(Articles 18
and 19 of Code One)
Safe work environment(Human Rights
Management Guideline, set forth by the National
Human Rights Commission of Korea [NHRCK])
Improvement of working conditions (Article 20
of Code One)

Protection of financially underprivileged groups
(Guideline for Consumer Protection, set forth by
the Financial Supervisory Service)
Ban on discrimination in the provision of financial
Protection of personal information(Article 5 of
Code One)
Provision of useful financial services (reflecting
the Group’s vision)
Partner Companies
Coexistence and mutual prosperity(Article 23 of
Code One)
Ban on unfair and fraudulent transaction
Provision of support for ethical, human rights-
based management(Human Rights Management
Guideline, set forth by the NHRCK)
Shareholders and investors
Provision of information in a fair and transparent
manner(Article 22 of Code One)
Preservation of mutually reliable relationships
Enhancement of value of shareholders and
investors(Article 24 of Code One)
Local communities
Protection of the human rights of members of local
communities(Human Rights Management Guideline,
set forth by the NHRCK)
Provision of support for underprivileged groups
(Article 25 of Code One)
Blocking of fraudulent transactions