What is the real
estate fund?

The Real Estate Fund is a product that
invests funds into real estate, derivative
products with real estate as underlying asset,
loans to enterprises related to real estate
development and real estate-related securities
to distribute investment returns.


  • Real estate-related securities
  • Beneficiary certificates, collective investment schemes, and asset-backed securities that invest more than 50% in real estate, real estate-related rights (surface rights, right of lease, right of letting-out, etc.). real estate-backed monetary claims
  • Stocks issued by real estate investment companies pursuant to Real Estate Investment Company Act Securities issued by real estate developers (companies established)
  • Securities issued by real estate development company(company established by defining on-going project to develop certain real estate)
  • Real estate and securitized assets of which the aggregated amount of underlying assets is more than 70% as asset-backed securities issued pursuant to ‘Asset-Backed Securitization Act’ with real state-related assets as underlying assets defined and publicly notified by Financial Service Commission
  • MBS-backed bonds or mortgage backed securities for which MBS securitization companies or financial institutions guarantee payment pursuant to ‘Special Purpose Companies for Mortgage-Backed Bonds Act’ or ‘Korea Housing Finance Corporation Act’
  • Equity securities issued by companies aiming at investing in real estate